Monday 20 October 2008

New run

Last week was not a great week in terms of regular running - two days away, a wedding, a headache, tonnes of work. Ah excuses, wonderful things. Anyway, I got going again this morning and extended run 1 and turned it into run 3. It's just over a mile longer than the previous one and will become my regular run for the next couple of weeks and then I'll have to stretch it again to about 5 miles. Run 1 will become my fast run for speed work.

Felt ok, 3.43 miles took me 33 minutes and 40 seconds. We'll see how that improves over the next two weeks.

6 months and 5 days to go...

1 comment:

Nishanth said...

Its really surprising how ppl are able to run this far.I can barely run a kilometre without panting for life :P.

all the best...