Saturday 31 January 2009

Sore knee and hips

Thought about going for a long run tonight but my right knee felt sore and my left hip felt funny, so only ran about 5.5miles - took 50 minutes. Went into town by the river and then back out through town and Ditherington and back home. It was quite cold so I'm glad I layered up, but I think I need to prepare a bit better and I really do need to do another long run soon.

Tuesday 27 January 2009

Regular run

I have been running more than I've been blogging, but I had bad guts (sorry but true) for a week and so had a week free of running. Eased back into on Saturday with a 3 mile-ish run and today with a just shy of 7 miles. Took me a little over an hour which is good because it felt like someone had replaced my trainers with lead shoes.

IF, and it is still a big if, I can keep that pace up I'm on for a sub 4 hour run, but there's a long way to go. It's just silly.

Saturday 10 January 2009

Longest run

So tonight was my longest run so far, just under 10 miles and completed in 1 hour 29 minutes 18 sec. Which is about 6 miles and hour and would see me complete a marathon in around 4 hours which remains the target time. I'm pretty sure I could run faster if I wasn't running alone. But it's not just time, I have to be able to run for another 2 and half hours and that could do my head in!!

Club Time Trial

Once again I've been running more often than I've been blogging. Wednesday night we had a time trial and I picked a quicker guy to try and keep up with and I'm pleased with the improvement I've put in. Running on my own is good for miles in my legs and time on the street but running with others makes me run faster.

Just over 3 miles in 23 minutes, so 7 minute miles and 8mph - Right now it's unlikely I could keep that up for 26 miles but progress is progress.