Friday 10 June 2011

Marathon runners should go for non-alcoholic beer

Apparently that's the conclusion of this study from the University of Munich. It's better for your health if you drink the wheat based alcohol free stuff. I'm just not sure whether that counts as good news or not?

(HT: Freakonomics)

Thursday 9 June 2011

Park Hall 5k

I ran a 5k race tonight which I've run the previous two years. In 2009 I managed a 22'24 and in 2010 I improved on that a little with a 22'08.

So tonights 21'18 marks a 50 second improvement which over 5k is a decent jump forward, and I'm sure if I'd pushed myself I could have been sub-21. I finished with a sprint and recovered quickly, I just run too much within myself because I'm worried about running out of steam. What I needed to do was pick the pace up say 500m out not 200m and then I'd have been sub-21.

Anyway I'm pleased!