Tuesday 27 January 2009

Regular run

I have been running more than I've been blogging, but I had bad guts (sorry but true) for a week and so had a week free of running. Eased back into on Saturday with a 3 mile-ish run and today with a just shy of 7 miles. Took me a little over an hour which is good because it felt like someone had replaced my trainers with lead shoes.

IF, and it is still a big if, I can keep that pace up I'm on for a sub 4 hour run, but there's a long way to go. It's just silly.

1 comment:

eamonn-og said...

im training for the marathon in dublin at the moment. doing it on my own mostly. do u think it would be better if i joined a club? feeling quite nervous now. i was fine b4 i read ur blog, lol. well ive a 9 miler to do in the morning so c ye l8r.