Saturday 13 March 2010

Long run improvement

So not quite a year ago I did this 19.22 mile route, a mix of off-road by the river and road, it took me 3:25:52 at 10:40 minute miles and 5.6mph. And that was my only run close to 20 miles before doing the London marathon and dying around mile 21.

This time around I'm determined to get more of these long runs in so I'm much better prepared come marathon day in about 6 weeks time. So I repeated the route so I've got a direct comparison of progress from last year. However going into it I was still concerned about my right foot and the pain in the mid-sole and I felt it all the way around. I had various points where I could cut my run short if I needed to. I was able to get all the way around, but after ten days of enforced rest and not being brilliantly prepared this morning with food or hydration, I was a bit worried.

I shouldn't have been though with a time of 02:59:49 at 9:24 minute miles and 6.4mph, I was (and still am) really pleased. That's a massive improvement and gives me hope for around 4hours and not the 4:47 of last year.

Here's the route again:


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