Monday 6 April 2009

Abandoned Run

OK so this goes down as a bit of a setback with only 20 days to go until the London Marathon. This was to be my last long run and was over 20 miles. It's a mix of trail and road and the river sections were just playing havoc with the outside of my left knee. It very quickly felt sore but I thought I'd keep going. The downhill bits were the toughest. After about 14 miles I stopped for a quick drink and an energy gel and even though it had been a bit slow, I felt ok, other than the knee. I was at the top of a section that dipped back down to the river and as I set off it just felt like my knee locked. I just couldn't run on it. Walking was hard enough. Run over.

I hobbled to the nearest main road and hitched a lift, I'm so glad someone stopped and gave me a lift. So now what? This hasn't happened before. I'm going to assume it's just inflamed from the running so rest, ice, more rest for a few days, then test it out on some short runs. I'd be tapering the training soon anyway, so it's more important I rest it and hope it holds out on the 26th. There's no offroad so that should help!

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