Wednesday 10 March 2010

Plantar Fasciitis

So a couple of weeks ago I ran a good 16.2 miles, really pleased with the effort and the sustained pace. The next day though my right foot was sore and I was limping. I ran Wednesday but probably shouldn't. Scared myself Saturday thinking it could be plantar fasciitis which just has a horrible recovery time.

I've been putting my foot on hot water bottles and resting and it feels OK. Haven't run at all for a week though. I'll put it to the test on Saturday with a long run.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

First of all get a professional diagnosis before you spend more money and effort.
I am dealing with plantar fasciitis for more than a year now and I understood that treatment efficiency is very individual. If something works for one it may not work for the other. There are many treatment techniques that you can try. Did you try Taping? I have found it very useful. Taping will keep your foot from getting injured again and will help you get through your daily routine. There are a few Taping techniques you can.
Personally I found a very informative website in:
Take care & Good luck